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Showing posts from February, 2014

The highway’s a calling!

  Too long in the cold, and too many afternoons looking through the windows at the falling snow, and yet it’s what is expected in our village. Good friends dropping by, even as the stillness emanating from the frozen landscape, each time I open the door reminds me that yes, I was looking forward to this time of year only a few months earlier. But now, with a brief break in the weather and temperatures a little more spring like, I can’t wait for winter to end. Casting an eye around the garage only to see cars feeding from battery tenders isn’t an image that cheers me up. It’s time to explore the highways of America! We will be making the drive back to California and the picture above of our Jeep SRT outside a Hotel California pretty much sums it up – we just have to check it out. It will be a brief trip this time but it will take me to both, southern and northern, California. Margo will share the trip with me and is just as interested to be back on the highway, as for almos...