The arrival of spring is in evidence everywhere I look. The trees have all their leaves, there are birds everywhere and the pool covers are off, so it has to be spring. The photo above was hastily snapped early this morning as the task of clearing the last reminders of the long winter continue. It was a very long and hard winter, with temperatures as low as I can recall, so just being outside enjoying the warmth of spring makes a big difference. Saturday and Sunday evenings were spent around the BBQ and helped set the stage for more entertaining to come. However, the inclusion of this photo is also a reminder that the house is up for sale with the real work beginning this week. Repairs and maintenance have been aggressively pursued since early December and just this last week, further landscaping was completed. The fountains are working and we have an icemaker! The home looks as good as it ever has and this week there will be a formal open house, arranged by our realtor, for a g...